Sunday, December 30, 2012
Zendala Dare #38
I took a break from Zentangle for a few weeks while I sewed my owl pillows for Christmas craft shows, and of course shopped for, and enjoyed Christmas with friends and family! I really missed the hours I spend Zentangling, and am glad to be back at it - again part of my daily routine. I love the Zendala Dare ( and my goal this year is to try using tangles in spaces that don't seem obvious. That means circular patterns in angular spaces and visa versa,and moving outside of strings. If I can arrange it, I'd also like to take the CZT course - not that I necessarily want to teach, because I AM RETIRED, but I think just being around the others who are so committed and interested in Zentangle would be wonderful and inspirational.
Happy New Year to everyone in the Zentangle community.
Diva Dance - Waltz,
Zendala Dare,
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Owls being sold at CBC Toronto Charity Craft Show, Dec. 13
It's been a very, very busy couple of weeks as I'm working hard to increase my stock of stuffed Wise Owls to be sold at the CBC Charity Craft Show in Toronto, Dec. 13. If anyone out there is interested in hand made items, I believe this is a fabulous craft show! Held in the Toronto CBC building on Front Street, in the Atrium, on Dec. 13, 2012, from 8:30 - 5:30. If you do come, please introduce yourself to me - I'll be at "Sue's Owlings".
These are examples of my owls, which sell for either $20. or $30. I have over 60 owls, all individually sewn, and named. Each one is unique.
I also have my owls for sale at a store in Toronto's Kensington Market, "The Fairies Pyjamas". More pictures can be seen by clicking on the link to my website on the right hand side of this blog.
This is a picture from my first ever craft show last spring, at a school fun fair.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Zendala Dare #31
Erin at has posted another lovely Zendala template, and here is my first "quick" shot at it. I say first, because I've already started a larger ZIA using this template, which I'll post later in the week, and "quick" because I got it done between other activities, all in one day! Love this template, thanks Erin!
Whirly Bird,
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Zendala Dare #30 - PIE
This week's Zendala Dare from Erin at reminded her of Thanksgiving, and therefore PIE! So, the challenge is to use tangles starting with the letters P, I, E, and at least one tangle "new to you". I chose two "new to me" tangles, Pais and Escalator, and one of my favorites, Inapod.
Zendala Dare,
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Zendala Dare #29
This is my contribution to this week's Zendala Dare by Erin at Great template with the opportunity to do curvy, grid and linear tangles... I found that my finished tile was a bit fussy... but then, there is lots to look at! This was particularly fun to color and shade, and I wish I had thought to copy a "before" because it really made a huge difference.
Gneiss (Margaret Bremer),
Zendala Dare,
Zentangle Challenge #93 - Bunzo
This week's Zentangle Challenge from Laura at is to use the new tangle Bunzo. It's a neat tangle using one line - a sort of smile. Hummm, looked easier than I found it, but I'm sure I'll be more adventurous once I look at others' interpretations. I found some pretty linen textured, soft colored cardstock and so this is my first try on it. Pencil smudges differently on it, but I don't think it shows unless one looks really closely at the original. Scrolled Feather is one of my all time favorite tangles, but I need to play around with it some more - this one didn't turn out at all the way I had intended, though I'm not totally displeased with it since it's such a flexible tangle. I love these challenges because they really do take me out of my comfort zone, make me stretch my imagination, and as important, give me the opportunity to use "new to me" tangles. In this case it's the first time I've used Bunzo, Hurry, Allium, and Raindotty. I appreciate that so many people take the time to look at contributions and give feedback!
Scrolled Feather,
Zentangle challenge
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Zentangle Challenge #92 - String Theory - Stripes
This week's Zentangle Challenge from the Diva ( is to use stripes as the string. I also tried to use some tangles that used stripes or were based on stripes. This time I just let my hand and heart go and fill in the string of 10 horizontal,irregularly spaced lines across the page. No preconceived design or ideas, and that was fun and relaxing. I did two "new to me" tangles of planateen and sugarcane.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Zendala Dare #28
My entry for this weeks Zendala Dare by Erin at - I'm very happy with the center (pepper), but the rest... well, not so much but only because I had anticipated a different look. I spent way too much time searching for "the perfect" tangles instead of just letting my hand and heart go with the zen flow and so got frustrated. I keep doing this - does anyone else?
Zendala Dare,
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Zentangle Celtic Challenge #10
This is my first time doing the Celtic Challenge ( I loved this template and so I added another copy of the template and one more ring to make a ZIA... The original template is the two squares and one circle in the lower right hand corner. You can see her original template, and the 9 other celtic templates she has done so far by visiting her blog.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Zentangle Challenge #91 - Beads of Courage
This week's Zentangle Challenge (from is for the charity Beads for Courage. Children collect beads that they get for getting through things like doctor's appointments, needles, tests, achievements... What a wonderful visual way of seeing how much they've been through. This challenge reminded that at one time (actually, 3-4 decades ago) I had wanted to create a wall - hanging that was made with macrame and would be a sort of a diary. I had envisioned that each string would be a day, each knot would represent something like weather or how I was feeling, and I would also add beads to represent events such as a date or an outing with friends. The wall hanging never got done, and I had forgotten all about it until I read Diva's post. That was the inspiration for my design using "Beads of Courage".
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Zendala Dare #27 - 2nd try
This is my second try, and I'm much happier with this one. I had to make another attempt and now I can move on to the Zentangle Challenge! (Yep, the housework and cleaning up the garden can wait a bit longer :)...)
Henna Drum,
Zendala Dare,
Monday, October 15, 2012
Zendala Dare #27
Well I'm definitely going to be doing another for this weeks Zendala Dare ( because this was fun, but I am not happy with the way it turned out. First of all, the intention was that Daggerly was supposed to make the cubine diamonds look like they had been cut away from the squares... didn't work, and I should have made the Daggerly with wider bands so it was more obvious. Wish I hadn't put Footlights in.... but worst of all was that I tried Vortex in the outermost squares but they didn't look anything like a Vortex so I tried to make them into something else.... yuck. I don't mind the Pearlz, but I think they would have been better if there was something else in this zendala to balance their roundness. That's the challenge though. And while I thought about not posting this, I did put quite a bit of time into it, and it's all a learning experience... right?
Zendala Dare,
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Zentangle Challenge #90 - String 001
This is my "quickie" done for the weekly Zentangle Challenge from . I wasn't going to do it this week because it's been a very busy week and I wasn't inspired by the challenge.... saying that, I just can't not do it, as I'm sure is the case with others. :) So today I found an hour and decided I'd start with a couple of tangles I hadn't ever used, Diamond Drops and Aura-Leah. I was ok with it until that point, then got stuck. The next two tangles I used are Msst and Hollibaugh. Not happy with my Hollibaugh - I don't think it fits in, and the "ribbon" effect I was looking for, didn't work. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's challenge.... (My apologies for not commenting on others contributions this week - as I said, I've been a bit short of time, and though I will look at them all, I just won't be able to share the joy I get when I look at them.)
Diamond Drops,
Zentangle challenge
Friday, October 12, 2012
Zendala Dare #26 - Halloween Theme
My last post didn't take into consideration this week's Zendala Dare theme ( - either fall or Halloween - so last night I did one more of this fabulous template with a halloween theme. I love cats so this was my inspiration. Scanning doesn't do justice to color or shading sometimes, so in this one you miss the green outlining the cat's eyeballs on the outer circle. When I finally went to bed it occurred to me that I should have used lava juice (more "witchy") instead of afterglow... oh well, it worked. Themes are fun, but require more artistic abilities I think. I found a similar cat on google images so sort of copied it as I couldn't do this on my own.
Zendala Dare,
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Zentangle Dare #26
Ooops, - when I started looking at others contributions, I realized that I had missed the whole point of the fall or halloween theme... so my contributions aren't theme related (I may need to do another in this case.) Hope you take the time to look at them anyway. I love the template for this week's Zendala Dare from Erin at ( because it incorporates a grid, triangles, and more flowing lines. This first effort includes a few of my favorite tangles that I'm fairly comfortable with: Inapod, Paradox, Hi-C's, and Cadent. I did it on a white tile, but felt I needed to blacken the outside to balance the dark areas within.
My second tile is the larger size template, and I used a couple of tangles I wasn't as comfortable with, but have come to really enjoy ('Nzeppel and Verve). The other tangles I used are Arcles, Flourish, and Florez. Thank you for taking the time to look - your comments encourage and motivate me!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Zentangle Challenge #89 - UMT - Sankegg
I spent a lot of time yesterday and this a.m. trying to get this tangle and had all but given up when I had an inspiration. Basically I deconstructed the pattern in my own way (read: cheating) and I think I may have got it. I quickly did a tile then roughed out how I drew this tangle (see below).
I don't know how well you can see this, but basically I've penciled in a smaller triangle above the first V and worked out from there, penciling in triangles at the tips of the points to carry it forward. I have erased the pencil in this tile, but I think it could be actually drawn in and used as a tangleation. Hope this helps anyone else who might be having trouble ...
All about V,
Zentangle challenge
Monday, October 1, 2012
Zentangle Dare #25
This week's template from Erin at reminded me of something industrial so that is what I intended, though I'm not comfortable with steampunk. However, after putting in Girdy, some other tangles called and now it has sort of a native/industrial feel. At any rate, one of my goals was to use all "new to me" tangles, so this is how it turned out. There was a lot of intricate line work and coloring in which took way more time than I should have spent on it (oh well, house cleaning can be done tomorrow). I drew out another copy of one of the smaller templates so if I have time, I'll work on that later in the week. I can't wait to see what others have done with this template.
Girdy Charlie,
Lightning Bolt,
Zendala Dare,
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Zentangle Challenge #88 - use the tangle "IX"
The Zentangle Challenge (#88) for this week from is to use the official tangle "IX". I haven't used this one before, and I love the challenge and exercise to use a "new to me" tangle. The first one I did I wanted to play with adding in another tangle, and jetties seemed to just jump right in. I also wanted to play with the darker ends of the first lines and see what happened if I inverted or extended them... I'm happy with the result.
The second one I did using the Zentangle String #5 because I thought it would present another challenge since none of the lines actually crossed (though I did change that a bit...) I like this tangle and will probably use it again, but I'm really curious to see how others have changed and adapted it. Thanks for taking the time to look, and I appreciate any comments.
Zendala Dare #24 - 2nd try
This is my second try using Erin's fabulous template for this week's Zentangle Dare ( What I really wanted to do was have the tangles "morph" into another tangle where the corners overlapped, but it didn't work out quite the way I wanted to. I didn't intend to use color either, but it was too hard to see the overlapping corners in just black/white. I put way too much thought and planning into this one, and got to the point that I was putting too much pressure on myself and wasn't enjoying the process. I'm not unhappy with it, but it isn't what I had envisioned.
Queen's crown,
Zendala Dare,
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Zendala Dare #24
This is my entry for this week's Zendala Dare from Erin at
I love this zendala and expect to do a couple more from this template. The first one I did today isn't at all what I expected to happen, but there you go. I think I was influenced by the weather. It's starting to get cooler and was raining when I got up this a.m. So I've taken off my pretty summer bedspread and replaced it with a darker flannel duvet cover. This Zendala reminds me of that summer bedspread (though it doesn't remotely look anything like it). The tangles I used are Embellish, Lanie, and Camelia.
I have an idea of what I want to do for another Zendala using this template, but it's going to take some planning so perhaps I'll be posting again later in the week.
Thanks Erin for a great template, and thank you to everyone who takes the time to look at and comment on this and everyone else's entries.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Zentangle Challenge #87: "String Theory v. XII: Pinwheels for Peace v.II"
This week's Zentangle Challenge ( was to use a pinwheel for our string - in celebration of International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, 2012. My first pinwheel string (or pattern) is a quilt pinwheel... it turned out fussier than I would have liked. Tangles used are: H2O Lilly, Facets, Trimonds and Rose (Rose is supposed to have the accent over the e, like the blush colored wine, but I can't figure out how to do that on my computer).
My second pinwheel is simpler - two tangles: Tortuga, and Efilys
The third is from a pattern I found by browsing through google images of pinwheel coloring pages. This was my favorite to do, and out of the three tiles, I managed to do four new to me tangles. I've had a lot of fun with this week's challenge! The tangles I used in this third tile: MI2, Archer, Golven, Lokomotive, Yabbut and Huggins (and woodgrain for the post)
H2O Lilly,
Pinwheels for Peace,
Zentangle challenge
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Picked up another one of my pre-strung Zendala tiles (available through and this is the result. I wish I hadn't colored in the background on Maylea, but there you go.... Love the teal color though and will use that more often.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Zendala Dare #23
Thanks Erin for another great template for this week's Zendala Dare ( Seems like this is a time of changes - the weather, activities, careers, whatever... and so I decided to do tangles that sort of represented pathways from one thing to another - all intersecting, and with little "bumps" on the way. All circled by the ying/yang of life. Not that I'm particularly spiritual, but I do believe that change can be a good thing if approached with a positive attitude, and if it doesn't work out, well, you've learned from it and can often go back, or, further ahead. I just finished reading a fabulous book that sort of ties into all this: "Hector and the Search for Happiness" by Francois Lelord. If you have read and liked "The Petit Prince" and "The Alchemist" - it's sort of along those lines - but about Happiness.
crescent moon,
Zendala Dare,
The Friday Zendala Dare has been delayed - so I opened my tin of pre-strung Zendala's and chose one - this is the result. I had fun doing it, but discovered that I really don't understand Opus and need more practice. I'm going to try to do one of these pre-strung zendala's every week - after all, that's what I bought them for, and they've been sitting for the perfect opportunity for a couple of months...
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Zentangle Challenge #86 - Break Free
The Zentangle Challenge ( this week is one I looked at with excitement (it's a real challenge for me to go outside of lines) and dread (stepping outside my comfort zone - big time!). In this challenge we are to use our strings as a "guideline" and extend our design beyond; in other words to "break free" of the constraints of some lines. Hummmm.... I found a pattern I had set aside for the right inspiration (boxes, a circle, and a ruler shape), and decided that should really make me push my comfort zone! I started with a newish tangle "Tra-la-la" (which I have fallen in love with), and then Featherfall (which looks wonderful on everyone else's but I need more practice), then Rouche (another new to me tangle). Anyone out there have a tutorial on perspective? Those boxes were tricky - again something that looks great when I see them on others sites. Anyway, it's done, and was fun/scary to do. I'm looking forward to paying more attention to "break free" designs when I look at others' designs. Thanks Laura for making me push my boundries by coming up with these great challenges; and thanks everyone for sharing your own designs and to everyone who takes the time to look and comment. The Zentangle community is truly encouraging and supportive!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Zendala Dare #22 - Monodala
This week's Zendala Dare #22 is to use one tangle on the pattern posted by Erin at This is my contribution using the tangle Dooleedo, which was fun to do, and I'm quite happy with the way it turned out (except for the shadow of the upper edge of the paper that only shows on scanning) Another pleasant evening tangling!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Zentangle Challenge #85 - Copada
I wanted to experiment with Copada and I already had a "string" of interlocking circles waiting for the right inspiration, so here is my contribution to Zentangle Weekly Challenge #85 - UMT (Use my Tangle) #85 - Copada ( Originally it was going to be the traditional black/white/shading... but it was calling out for a bit of color. I'm afraid of using color as I don't have an art background and very little experience, but I guess you learn some by trying - so here it is. After seeing everyone put their "blind" string before and after online, I thought that was a good idea - especially when I'm trying something sort of new or experimental; so I've also included my uncolored ZIA. Am I happy with it? Sort of - though the colors are a bit washed out (I was going for subtle), and next time I try color, I'll go a bit bolder. Also, much of the shading doesn't show up on scanning, but if I darken the original, it looks too dark for my liking.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Zendala Dare #21
Here is my contribution to Erin's Zendala Challenge which can be found at I haven't been doing much Zentangle over the past few weeks, other than just trying to keep up with new tangles being posted and adding them to my workbook. It's been a fabulous summer filled with travels, gardening, crafting, reading, and spending lots and lots of time with friends and family. I don't know how I managed when I worked, but now that I'm retired, I'm busier than ever (in a good way)! In this dare I used one new to me tangle (Keenies), and a new to me variation of Bilt, and Ixorus. I would have liked a bit of color in this, but couldn't figure out how to add a touch without potentially ruining it, so I just shaded. Shading shows up better in the original than when it's scanned.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Zentangle Challenge #84 - String Theory XI: Blind-Sighted
It's been weeks since I've taken the time to participate in a Zentangle Challenge. That's what happens in the summer - there is so much going on. (See my photo in the previous entry of me at a craft fair selling my stuffed owls.) At first it was really hard to just let go and I think I actually went through a "Zentangle withdrawal". It's not a bad thing to take a break though, and though I managed to add the new tangles to my workbook, I do feel a bit less compulsive or obsessive about feeling that I HAVE TO do every single Zentangle Challenge and Zentangle Dare. Not that I won't do most of them :) Recently I bought a photo cube from Michael's and have decided that the next six challenges I do will be on 3.5 x 3.5 squares and displayed in the cube. (I prefer working on larger or ZIA pieces so this adds to my challenge.) So, here is my entry for Challenge #84 - Blind Sighted. I used some of the fabulous new tangles that have been introduced in the past little while: LLilly, Dooleedo, Cruffle, D-vine, and Hypnotic.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
No Zentangle, but lots of owls, and a cross Canada drive
I've been fighting Zentangle withdrawal, but have been so busy for the past few weeks that I haven't had time to do more than periodically add new published tangles into my workbook. My husband and I did a drive from Toronto to Vancouver - a bit of a whirlwind as we did it in a week. However we were able to see ancestral sites in the prairies, and visit with some friends and relatives along the way. When we got back I had a week to prepare for my first full day craft show at the Peterborough Folk Festival. Everything went really well, the weather was terrific, and I sold 15 owls which I'm quite happy with. I did manage to do this week's Zentangle Challenge after missing the last few, but won't post it until tomorrow a.m. as it's time to go to bed.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Zentangle Challenge #79: Citius, Altius, Fortius
A quicky this week as we have guests from out of town, including an eleven year old who has (and takes) a lot of energy. I'm enjoying having them around, but it doesn't leave much time for my crafts and hobbies (though thankfully the young one wants to try Zentangle, and sewing, and cooking). I had some ideas for this teriffic challenge, but in the middle of one night, my mind decided I had to do snakes for the rings.... so here it is...
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Zendala Dare #14
This week's Zendala Dare #14 from Erin at spoke to me right away... 12 sections - it's a clock! When I'm tangling - time passes so quickly, I lose track, and become somewhat obsessed. This is the second ZIA of my "Tangled Time" series - this one I've called "Time Flies". (my first Tangled Time can be seen on my website under the Zentangle section.) It took me a lot longer than I originally anticipated because I couldn't decide on just a few tangles so I just flipped through my samples book and the tangle patterns website, and let the pens fly. I learned some new tangles in the process, but over all I think there is way too much detail. Oh well, the housework can be done tomorrow (ha, ha).
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Zentangle Challenge #78 - Auraknot
I filled a couple of pages practicing and trying auraknot. I loved seeing it done in the demo video, but somehow it just didn't seem to want to work well for me. I wasn't going to submit this week because I was frustrated, but last night as I was sitting out on the porch I gave it another try with brown cardstock and pearl gel pens, giving it one more go. Don't love it, but there you go. Unfortunately the gel pens take longer to dry (hence the smudges), but at least I was able to make auraknot look somewhat different. Of course, scanning doesn't show the subtle colors (purple, green, silver, gold). When I have more time (and patience), I'd like to do a border for a ZIA in auraknot, but it's going to take a lot more practice. I loved looking at all the other entries (which I normally don't do before entering) - there are so many fine and brilliant pieces! Sorry I didn't have time this week to comment on more than a few.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Zendala Dare #13 - Play with paper
This weeks Zendala Dare from Erin of, is to use her template on a surface that is something other than what we would usually tangle on. The timing couldn't be better for me because I just bought some blackout drapery material that I wanted to try sewing into a Zentangle chair cover. Well, the material does bleed a bit, doesn't shade with pencil so I had to get creative and try shading with the pen, and I don't think it's going to be very color fast. Oh well, I'm sure I'll find another use for it. The first example is the on the blackout material. Today was record heat temperatures in Toronto so I spent most of the day in the back yard, in a kiddie pool cooling down and enjoying an otherwise beautiful day. Between dips, I did my second tile on some colored texture craft paper. It has a sort of tie-dye stripe in blue and pink so I used blue and pink ink. I'm happy with the first, but the second looks (and was) rushed.
Zendala Challenge #77 - Fiore di Pietro (Peter's Flower)
This is my entry for the week's Zentangle Challenge ( which was to create using the tangle Fiore di Pietro (Peter's Flower). This tangle was designed in memory of Rho Densmore's brother in law. This postcard uses her tangle in memory of my cat Patch who passed away over a year ago and is remembered with a cat statue which sits in my garden, just as she loved to. The photo was printed on my Pogo printer and the postcard is part of a series I'm doing combining Pogo photo's and Zentangle. Rho, you may use my entry for your memorial book, if you wish.
You've created a wonderful tangle in memory of Peter!
Fiore di Pietro,
Zentangle challenge
Monday, July 2, 2012
Zendala Dare #12
Thanks again Erin ( for another great zendala template. I knew I wouldn't want to do just one of this design so I've put 3, plus separate parts, together as a ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art). Tangles I used: H2O Lilly, Prestwood, "C" scape, Linq, Daggerly, Echoism (I loved what you did Erin in your example, so I hope you don't mind, but I copied you...), Coil, Tipple, Golven, Hybrid, Squid, Arches, Chainlea, Pepper, and another that I think is called TH@ by Margaret Bremner. Now I want to work on this week's Zentangle Challenge, and check out all the entries for the past week for both the Dare and Challenge as I haven't had much free time to browse.... I love looking at what other people have done, and reading the comments! Such a wonderful Zentangle community!!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Zendala Dare #11

Sunday, June 24, 2012
Zentangle Challenge #75 - Cadent 2

Thursday, June 21, 2012
Zentangle Dare #10

bitten stax,
crescent moon,
Moving Day,
Zendala Dare
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