Sunday, April 14, 2013

Zendala Dare #53

Another wonderful Zendala template from Erin at! With the last few templates she's posted, I've either removed or changed some of the lines. This time I decided to go with the pattern. I didn't have trouble choosing the tangles for this zendala = they just flowed from the pen so this was a very easy, very zen project. Thanks Erin, and thanks to everyone who takes a look!


Carmela said...

Beautiful, I like the Floraz in the middle. Lovely.

Ronnie said...

I love all the tangles you used and how you put it all together. I also like the subtle coloring of your Zendala. Great work!

Anne's tangle blog said...

I like this zendala a lot, Sue. I love the flowers in the centre and also the border. Well, I just love this whole zendala.

Unknown said...

ooo - what a pretty of a zendala! lovely! and perfect for the spring.

Karen Lynn said...

What a very pretty and spring-y zendala! I love the subtle touch of color.

Cathy said...

This is so lovely. The color is fantastic.

Anonymous said...

I love the black and yellow!

Chrissie said...

Gorgeous, I do love the floral look.

Didisch said...

Yours is great. The flower in the middle is beautiful. But the border really stole my heart. It is so delicate and with the little touch of color so full of charm. I love it.

Tangle Madness said...

Very nice! Love the color and patterns.

Jennifer McGee said...

Beautiful work on this Zendala - I too love the little touch of color!

Tangles and More said...

Like the border and the slight hint of color. Great job.