I had such fun with this template! Thanks Erin at www.thebrightowl.blogspot.ca. This is my second entry and is done with the twist that I used the whole Zendala Circle for the Hollibaugh string, but layered part of the template so it sort of looks like it's laid on top of the background. It was fun; I tried filling the spaces in between the holibaugh strands in a way I've never done before, and added a bit of color, trying not to have too much. I'm quite happy with this though the color in the original is much brighter. Thanks for taking the time to look and comment if you are so inclined.
I really like it. It's quite clever!
Very nice! I really like the layered effect, the lacing and the touch of color.
Wow sue this one is a beauty. The color, and the hollibaugh is wonderful.
Beautiful - asymmetric without being lopsided! Love how the Hollibaugh is part of the design and not just laid on top.
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