Sunday, February 24, 2013

Zendala Dare #46

Back from Mexico so I'm still under the influence of supposed sun and water (though the weather wasn't great for our week). This week's Zendala Dare from Erin at gave me the opportunity to use a modified design that I saw in the resorts fountain pools. I also used Cruffle because the two colors sort of made them look like fallen coconuts; Waves since it was so windy the waves were huge on the ocean and even rippled the pool; and Sand swirl, again because of the wind. The tangle Waves is done in a really pretty blue, that unfortunately didn't scan very well. I love the fountain design - here's a picture of the mosaics:


Anne's tangle blog said...

This is very beautiful, Sue!!! Lovely colors too.

Unknown said...

WOW - very striking!

efie17 said...

yes!! I can see it!!!
its great!!!

Chrissie said...

Lovely memory of your holiday and I can see shells as well.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tile and the colors are great.

Didisch said...

Beautiful, and how nice to use the mosaic in your tile. Great.

North County Film Club said...

Very pretty and I love the color combination. Reminds me of Mexico.