This week's Zentangle Challenge from Laura at www.iamthedivaczt.blogspot.ca is to use the official tangle: Umble. I don't think I've used it before, but now I want to play with it a bit more and experiment with the spaces between the bands the way I often do with Hollibaugh. Anyway, this is my first tile using this tangle, and I used a tile I'd inked but didn't end up liking the colour - too khaki! This picture doesn't show well - I like the actual tile better; Umble is actually done in green ink. You know when you have one of those tiles that just says "stop now"? I did, but every time I look at it, I'm tempted to pick up the pen and go over uneven lines, or fill in (to cover) the centre of Umble…. but I'll leave it as it is and move on….
Lovely tile, Love how it comes out of the corner.
This is beautiful, great work
Revenir sur un dessin qui ne nous plait pas en rajoutant des détails, en corrigeant des lignes en remplissant de noir c'est un comportement que j'ai souvent moi aussi . j'ai remarqué, que parfois quand je revois plus tard ces dessins, je leur trouve un charme qui ne m'était pas apparu initialement.
Back on a drawing that does not please us by adding details, by correcting the lines, by filling black, it is a behavior that I often have too. I noticed that sometimes when I see these pictures later, I find them a charm that had not occurred to me initially.
Like your Umble banding Zander. Nice way to integrate the two tangles.
Very beautiful and great composition, Sue!! I think you did stop at the right point.
Thanks for your extensive comment on my blog.
I love how your design rises up to echo the color wash. I think what you did is just enough, and looks really great. Yes, too bad we can't see the green because I'm sure that adds to the harmony of the colors. Nice!
Really nice combination!
I love how your Umble bands around your Zander. Very creative and striking!
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