The challenge this week is to do a tile using our non dominant hand - for me that would be my left. This reminded me so much of a challenge we had in psychology class way back in college - to trace a star but we couldn't see our hands directly - there was a contraption set up so that we were looking into a mirror so tracing a mirror image. It was really interesting as many if not most people had a lot of trouble, and couldn't get started in any direction. I was moderately ok with the mirror star... and am not displeased with doing this tangle with my left hand. It was fun to do, but once was enough for me :)
Great Sue! You have tangled really well.
It look great! I agree with you that few times I cannot see where I am doing but I have done this challenge as well as you did it.
Since I'm right handed, it seemed like my left hand got in the way of me seeing what I was doing...weird! Your tile looks great!
I love how it turned out. You can be a bit more than 'not displeased' i think :)
Very nice! You took on some challenging tangles!
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