Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Artful Adventures Stroll Challenge - Day 7 - Sky

Today's word prompt for the Artful Adventures Stroll is sky. It was a very blah day - grey sky for most of the day with few distinctive clouds. Late this afternoon it cleared up but the sky was a palish blue, with few clouds and certainly none of interest that I saw on my walk. So I flipped through my photo's and found one I had taken in 2013, right off my front porch. Very unusual clouds, and gorgeous light. My journal page was done with acrylics and Pan Pastels. It's finished for now, but I'm thinking that this is a page I might come back to some day and add more - at least a quote. But I'm happy with it for now.


  1. Love the painted page. It has a haunting quality to it.

  2. I was worried about the sky prompt as it is so weather determined, and I love how you interpreted your atmospheric sky.

  3. wow- I love again what you did with the artjournal page- you captured the sky so well- amazing!
