Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Zentangle Challenge UMT - Orbs-la-Dee by Anneke van Dam

Happy New Year! It's so wonderful to look forward to the Diva Challenge every Monday! ( Thank you so much Laura! The first challenge each month is a UMT (Use My Tangle), and this month it's the tangle Orbs-la-Dee by Anneke van Dam. This is a tangle I used a few times when I first saw it, but then forgot about it - one of the reasons I love these challenges. So, my tile is busier than what I've been doing lately and I had intended to put Orbs-la-Dee in the centre but made a "mistake" when starting it - and that's how 'Nzeppel happened. I just love the way Zentangle tiles can end up so very different than what was envisioned… This is one of those tiles that I wish I had taken a before shading picture… I almost tore it up at that point! I don't love this one but it turned out better than I thought it was working toward. And I apologize that I don't comment on every post. I don't post comments on photo's taken on flickr, Instagram, Pinterest, and sometimes when there is a blog post with lots of responses to many challenges. I won't comment if I have to sign up for or or sign into something else - it's partly time management.


  1. Beautiful composition with a wonderful Orbs-la-dee in the leading role!!!
    Wish you all the best for 2017 and especially lots of tanglepleasure

  2. Lovely composition. I completely agree that shading is what makes Orbs-la-Dee special. We want the orbs to pop above the surface as they do here. Happy New Year.

  3. I like it, how the sturdy Orbs-la-Dee contrasts with the other tangles!

  4. I like your mix of tangles in this one. Great!

  5. I do like your tile, Sue. Great, that we had the same experience with a tile that 'just happened':-)

  6. Great composition, I love this one!

  7. The Orbs-la-Dee pairs very nicely with 'Nzeppel to make a really nice tile!

  8. This is delightful, lots to look at.

  9. What "mistake"? ;) Your tile is lovely!

  10. Looks terrific with N'Zeppel! Wonderful composition!

  11. Wonderful tile! ´Nzeppel fits so well to Orbs-la-Dee! By the way ... I can´t see no mistakes.

  12. Thanks for sharing your process with this tile! It is always nice to read that I am not the only one that makes such experiences:) It is a beautiful tile, everything fit perfectly together!

  13. I really liked reading how this tile came together! Definitely a happy accident! Beautiful! Such fine lines and the shading is wonderful!
