Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Zentangle Challenge #292 - UMT: Eaxy by Nadine Roller

I had lots of "oooops" and difficulty with Eaxy for this week's I am the Diva challenge (www.iamthedivaczt.blogspot.ca). I'll have to give it another try on another tile, but I felt that even though I got lost on this one several times, I'm happy with the end result. Though to me it doesn't look much like a Zentangle tile - more an abstract compilation. The Peaks in the bottom were based on a vintage shirt I saw in a shop - I liked the layered peaks and the lines more open on one side within each peak… yet not always on the same side. (again, I apologize for not commenting on all submissions and do take time to look at and enjoy them. I don't have instagram, Yahoo, or Pinterest (or have to log in each time, which I won't do). And I also don't comment, usually, on posts that have several challenges in one post because although I enjoy seeing what you are up to - I'm specifically looking for the Diva Challenge.


  1. I like this abstract compilation with the peaks very much. Special, unique and well drawn!!!

  2. I like that vaguely 1950's/60's look to this tile and the way you have let one pattern slide into another.

  3. Great style, I love the combination with the peaks!

  4. Really interesting tile. I love it when we find patterns around us that we can use and make our own.

  5. Looks like you had a lot of fun with this, sometimes less than cooperative, tangle!

  6. I love your tile Sue! Stunning how you combined big and small eaxy and the peaks and the dots :-)... beautiful colours.... really awesome !! Thank you for trying eaxy and not giving up... this tile is a reward in my eyes ;-) warm regards from Germany, Nadine

  7. WOW! Beautiful composition! Love it!

  8. Love the black and brown combo. Great tile!

  9. Absolutely beautiful tile! Great variety of Eaxy!

  10. It is a great looking tile Sue, I like the brown and black combination, and you oops turned out really great!

  11. Terrifically artistic how you made this tile work for you. Wonderful!

  12. I think this tile is great!!! Quite different and I like it.
