Sunday, May 8, 2016

Zentangle Challenge #266 - UMT - Crux

This is my tile for this week's Diva Challenge ( to use the tangle Crux. I love this tangle and use it a fair amount. It's a tangle that takes a lot of concentration. I chose to not shade Crux because though it is the focus tangle, I wanted Ruutz to jump out on top. This was done on a white tile - the camera seems to have added some yellow tinge to one side….


  1. I like the way you have drawn Ruutz trough your tile with Bronxs cheer surrounded, nice balance and nice contrasts.

  2. It is so creative the way you used Ruutz and then the Bronx cherries!

  3. I like the way you have used Bronx cheer too, it is unusual to see it as part of a design as opposed to just the berry sat somewhere.
