Friday, August 7, 2015

Zendala Dare #105

I admit that I didn't like this template for the Zendala Dare (
this week when I first saw it, sorry Erin. However, as with a lot of Zentangle, once I got going and things started looking so very different as I let the pen and, in this case the pencil shading, take over, well, I started to enjoy it! Thanks Erin, again, for making me step outside my comfort zone!


  1. I love what you did with this zendala (and I agree that it was a tough one)! It is amazing how 3-dimensional it looks. It's simple, but so complex looking at the same time. Love it.

  2. Wow, Sue, you really made something beautiful out of this difficult template.

  3. Very beautiful zendala with Lovely patterns. Compliments.
