Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Zendala Dare #97

This is my Zendala for this week's Zendala Dare from Erin at Another challenging zendala… what to do with all those tear-drop shapes? Take a look at her blog to see the template. I'm really trying hard not to pre-plan to use certain tangles, and trying not to anticipate which tangle "goes with" another tangle. I also trying to get back to leaving white space - I used to be more comfortable with it, but seem to be getting into the habit of trying to fill everything in… In this Zendala I used the first and next tangles that crossed my mind, stopped before I really wanted to, but am glad I did, - and so, here you go!


  1. I really like the flow of your Zendala. :)

  2. This is different and very beautiful, Sue! Like you I always try not to think of the next step and this time it really worked for me. If fact I did not use very many tangles, I did use a lot of stripes :-)

  3. Beautiful zendala! It really has a lot of elegance. I like that the finished piece is not what you would have expected from the template--I love when that happens.

    I don't plan my tangles, either. I find it distracts from the zen of tangling. Leaving white spaces it harder for me. You've done a great job with that here.

  4. Such an interesting and different approach to this challenge! I love it.

  5. Absolutely gorgeous! Wonderful choice of tangles and very creative use of the template!
