Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Zentangle Challenge #201 - Moebus strip

This week's Zentangle Challenge #201 is to tangle a Moebus strip - you can read all about it at I hand drew the moebus strip and in hindsight should have traced it, because the proportions are all out… but that's the way it goes. I love these two tangles… but together on the moebus strip - doesn't particularly work. Ah well, I had fun doing it for this worthy cause, and that is the Zen of Zentangle!


  1. I like your tile and the tangles are really lovely!

  2. I rather like these two tiles on the strip. Tracing does not always work, I still get ripply lines and uneven spots when I trace. Your tile is lovely and made from the heart which is the main thing.

  3. I agree that is the zen...just the process, doesn't need to be perfect, just fulfilling! And this week it is for the cause. I disagree though, I think those two patterns look great together, nice work!

  4. You have chosen two great tangles in this logo!

  5. Good for you for trying to do the logo free hand. I did not even try. Even so, the tangles worked well with it. It is really getting hard to remember the names of all the tangles.

  6. Love your Mobius Tile, Sue. Cabana worked out particularly well as a fill in the Mobius Logo. I'm unfamiliar with the other Tangle, but I like it a lot. Just lovely.

  7. really nice tile - especially like the touches of purple in the background
