Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Zentangle Challenge, #176 - B.Y.O.B. (Bring your own Beverage)

Love this week's Zentangle Challenge to use something Beverage related… Well, I had ordered a beer in an outside patio and it came with a nearly blank coaster (just the Stella glass with beer pouring into it), just calling out for tangles! It was so much fun to tangle on a beautiful afternoon in an outside patio! I picked up a e few more coasters for another day thinking that my husband and I, and some friends could tangle in the back yard while we have a beer! (Now I'm on the hunt for different coasters to tangle, unfortunately most seem too dark or filled with brand detail.) Cheers!


  1. What a fun way to complete this challenge! I actually tried beer to see what stains I could come up with, but none of the ones I had handy worked very well. Maybe that's my excuse to dry some of the more robust ones and see what happens! I like the idea of collecting the coasters and tangling them, so now you have me watching for them too!

  2. What a great and creative way to complete this challenge. I can imagine it is a great coaster to tangle on.

  3. I love the way you worked out this week's challenge! Very original and the coaster looks so much beter now :-)

  4. Creative and especial tile. Really like it :)

  5. Great tile! I love your approach to this weeks challenge. Very original!

  6. Such a fun thing to apply this challenge to. Amazon actually sells blank coasters that are great for what you would like to do. I think you should just keep traveling and drinking beer instead though :)

  7. This was the perfect base for your tangles! I like that you use brown ink along with the black!

  8. What a great solution to what for me is turning out to be quite a challenge. Lovely tangling.

  9. Great Idea to use tangling as part of your everyday life... love it too... I am always tangling when we have company as it keeps my hands busy... love your design and concept... very nice... Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie

  10. What a cool idea. I'm off to find coasters!

  11. I love your coaster Sue! Here in the Netherlands you can buy blanc coaters and that is what I did some time ago, so now I have some 12 tangled coasters. A few weeks ago in Switzeland I found wooden coasters and bought some too.

  12. Sue I love the idea of traveling coasters!! What a great way to start a collection and definitely conversation pieces at any party!! I think I might have to give that a try!! (I hardly get out though so it might take me a while to get any collection going)I love what you did with it!! Great tile!! Thank you so much for your friendly message on my blog!! Have a great weekend and keep us posted on any new coasters!! :0) Share Humanity

  13. Wonderful a very creative idea! Gorgeous and unique result!

  14. How fun! I'm going to keep my eye out for coasters. I know I'll have fun in the hunt.

  15. What a fortuitous find to help you with this weeks challenge. Somewhere stashed away in a box, have a collection of coasters that we brought back we visited Europe years ago. Was a cheap souvenir, but most would not be good for tangling.

  16. A gorgeous tile, the brown compliments your choice of tangles beautifully - I can't pass a coaster without tangling on it - am also a collector :)

  17. Perfect :) So creative and beautiful. The idea to take the coaster - simply great
