Sunday, January 20, 2013

Zendala Dare #41

Nice template for this week's Zendala Dare #41 from Erin at I LOVE Scrolled Feathers, but have a lot of trouble with it, so I'm going to try to use it more often and see if I can get a bit more relaxed doing it. Two "new to me" tangles, Girlande, and Heartrope are used in this ZIA. I made 'mistakes' in every tangle while doing this template but once it was finished and shaded, they didn't jump out at me the way they annoyed me as I was working. I shaded behind Scrolled Feathers and in the original it looks like they rest on a rounded surface - it doesn't look like that in the scan. Oh well. I really like how the Zedbra looks divided and colored alternately. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good week!


  1. I think your zendala is very pretty Sue!
    On my blog you asked me what I used for the coasters. I was able to buy some blanc ones in an art supply shop here in the Netherlands. This shop also has a webshop, but shipping things to USA may be very expensive. After tangling I varnished them.

  2. This is so beautiful and very delicate.
