Monday, October 1, 2012

Zentangle Dare #25

This week's template from Erin at reminded me of something industrial so that is what I intended, though I'm not comfortable with steampunk. However, after putting in Girdy, some other tangles called and now it has sort of a native/industrial feel. At any rate, one of my goals was to use all "new to me" tangles, so this is how it turned out. There was a lot of intricate line work and coloring in which took way more time than I should have spent on it (oh well, house cleaning can be done tomorrow). I drew out another copy of one of the smaller templates so if I have time, I'll work on that later in the week. I can't wait to see what others have done with this template.


  1. I like how this one turned out. It is quite busy, but it doesn't bother me at all.

  2. Very grand and striking, Sue. I'm glad your comment brought me here!:-}}}

  3. Your zendala is beautiful! I love Charlie in it, makes a great balance.

  4. Feels electric! Charlie is perfect and the rain and lightening bolt make it sizzle--great job!

  5. ELECTRIC!I love this Zendala.I downloaded the template minutes ago and was wondering what to do with it it looks like you found yo Zen here.

  6. I love the play of black and white with the touch of brown- beautiful! :)

  7. I agree with you Sue. When I first saw the template I was thinking wow this is a great template for steampunk tangles. But I have now experience with this tangles so I stuck with the ones I know. And I found it rather difficult to do the job. You did a great job, I love the way you used the tangles and the colors in the middle. Beautiful! :)

  8. Nice! I think it looks like lightning or electricity pulsing through it! Wow! ;)
