Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Zendala Dare #28

My entry for this weeks Zendala Dare by Erin at www.thebrightowl.blogspot.ca - I'm very happy with the center (pepper), but the rest... well, not so much but only because I had anticipated a different look. I spent way too much time searching for "the perfect" tangles instead of just letting my hand and heart go with the zen flow and so got frustrated. I keep doing this - does anyone else?


  1. I think it is easy to over think and forget it is about the process. Your comment about expectations is very accurate. I think your Zendala has a nice balance.

  2. I really like it! I haven't used enough of the official tangles, I guess. Too new to this. I never know where I am going or how it is going to turn out when I am working on one. Sometimes I am very happy with them and sometimes they're just okay. But the fun is in doing the next one. :)

  3. Wow, I love this! Beautifully designed! I have a lot to learn! :)

  4. I like your zendala a lot Sue. And I know about thinking and trying to find the best tangle. We have a lot to learn, learn to go with the flow.

  5. I think it is lovely. To me, it looks perfect, but I know what you mean about over thinking a piece.

  6. I really love this. The funny thing is, it looks very Zen, as if your head and heart were flowing. It's funny how hard it can be to just go with the flow!?!

  7. I like it.
    with me its various;sometime I see it in a moment and sometime I leaves it for a day and after a good night sleep I draw it straight on
    but I think we do it to relax, so I keep that in mind always

  8. I think it's beautiful, but I know what you mean about overthinking it. I go back and forth between just going with the flow--during which I tend to revert to old favorites--and trying new tangles--which takes a lot more energy and concentration. I think both are necessary and part of the process. That's how new tangles become old favorites for me.

  9. I'm totally with you on the overthinking rather than letting it flow...I picture what I want in my head but then fight it somehow! The times when I manage to let it go and just 'do it' are the ones I end up loving the most. We don't always have the time and feel pressured to complete the project and that will always take away from our enjoyment. Still, I really like your zendala--the pepper is perfect!
