Monday, October 15, 2012

Zendala Dare #27

Well I'm definitely going to be doing another for this weeks Zendala Dare ( because this was fun, but I am not happy with the way it turned out. First of all, the intention was that Daggerly was supposed to make the cubine diamonds look like they had been cut away from the squares... didn't work, and I should have made the Daggerly with wider bands so it was more obvious. Wish I hadn't put Footlights in.... but worst of all was that I tried Vortex in the outermost squares but they didn't look anything like a Vortex so I tried to make them into something else.... yuck. I don't mind the Pearlz, but I think they would have been better if there was something else in this zendala to balance their roundness. That's the challenge though. And while I thought about not posting this, I did put quite a bit of time into it, and it's all a learning experience... right?


  1. I love that you posted it because it helps newbies like me be inspired to try different things...and I love it...especially the color that you brought to it. I hope to get to this stage...right now I am just practicing different tangles...I don't have a very steady hand. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello I deeply appreciate it.

  2. Aren't we always are worst critic? Maybe wasn't what you intended but still looks great.

  3. I am alway so surprised what others made with the template. I agree with Donald we are the worst critics!I did the small template pfffffff.
    So well done!

  4. I like your zendala a lot. I love the border!!!

  5. The richness of the center is so effective in creating beauty! This is a wonderful, wonderful, zendala!

  6. I love the stones around the template :) Great zendala!

  7. Nice! I love the touch of color, too. :)

  8. I like it. Don't be too critical. This is for relaxation and not to create a Mona Lisa. :) I really like it!

  9. I actually really like this! While you might see the flaws, I don't. I love the pearls around the border, and the whole zendala has lots of movement and interest. I'm glad you posted it!
