Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Zentangle Challenge #86 - Break Free

The Zentangle Challenge (iamthedivaczt.blogspot.ca) this week is one I looked at with excitement (it's a real challenge for me to go outside of lines) and dread (stepping outside my comfort zone - big time!). In this challenge we are to use our strings as a "guideline" and extend our design beyond; in other words to "break free" of the constraints of some lines. Hummmm.... I found a pattern I had set aside for the right inspiration (boxes, a circle, and a ruler shape), and decided that should really make me push my comfort zone! I started with a newish tangle "Tra-la-la" (which I have fallen in love with), and then Featherfall (which looks wonderful on everyone else's but I need more practice), then Rouche (another new to me tangle). Anyone out there have a tutorial on perspective? Those boxes were tricky - again something that looks great when I see them on others sites. Anyway, it's done, and was fun/scary to do. I'm looking forward to paying more attention to "break free" designs when I look at others' designs. Thanks Laura for making me push my boundries by coming up with these great challenges; and thanks everyone for sharing your own designs and to everyone who takes the time to look and comment. The Zentangle community is truly encouraging and supportive!


  1. Wow! I really like your featherfall, and how clever to really come out of the box. Brilliant.

  2. I love it, Sue. Very unique. I think your featherfall looks terrific :)

  3. You have beautiful firm strokes, and composition is good.

  4. Now this is just fabulous!! I love it all. I found your 'string' very interesting indeed - I would never have guessed it - superb!

  5. I love your tangles breaking out of the box.

  6. Your featherfall is gorgeous. I love your whole composition.

  7. Super ideas Sue, sizzling like fireworks.

  8. A beautiful tangle! Very creative!

  9. Amazing, the direction you went with that string! Beautiful job!

  10. this is so intricate and clever! i really like that you showed us the string you started with, and the final outcome.

  11. Love the way the tangles are springing out from the box!! very cleverly done!! Love the composition

  12. This is fantastic! So much fun and really well done! Great response to Breaking Free!
