Saturday, September 22, 2012

Zendala Dare #24

This is my entry for this week's Zendala Dare from Erin at I love this zendala and expect to do a couple more from this template. The first one I did today isn't at all what I expected to happen, but there you go. I think I was influenced by the weather. It's starting to get cooler and was raining when I got up this a.m. So I've taken off my pretty summer bedspread and replaced it with a darker flannel duvet cover. This Zendala reminds me of that summer bedspread (though it doesn't remotely look anything like it). The tangles I used are Embellish, Lanie, and Camelia. I have an idea of what I want to do for another Zendala using this template, but it's going to take some planning so perhaps I'll be posting again later in the week. Thanks Erin for a great template, and thank you to everyone who takes the time to look at and comment on this and everyone else's entries.


  1. What a pretty Zendala. It reminds me of a lacy hankey (if you remember them - lol.)

  2. I agree with Ronnie. I thought of the old lace handkerchieves. So pretty! :)

  3. I can see your Zendala as a lovely summer bedspread!

  4. Fabulous stuff! really so suited to the tempplate.

  5. What a super zendala, I like it very much.

  6. Yes, it lokks a bit like a handkerchief. Lovely and delicate.

  7. Well Sue it was my first thoughr too it looks like a delicate lace henkerchief. I love the little touch of yellow cream color you used it makes the delicate look of the henkerchief.

  8. So lacey and pretty! Beautiful zendala!

  9. I love this- it gives me the feel of a quilt! Beautifully done!

  10. Hankie gets my vote, too. I have a bunch of vintage ones, and this is just the look of them. Delightful.

  11. Sue, what a beautiful Zendala! Thanks for taking the time to take the Dare.
