Sunday, June 24, 2012

Zentangle Challenge #75 - Cadent 2

I recently bought the Poloroid PoGo printer mentioned in Sandy Bartholomew's book Totally Tangled- LOVE IT!!!! (best bargain EVER, and is available through I've started to do a number of postcards using Strathmore Watercolor Postcards and a photo, and Zentangle. I just finished one with a photo of a purple flower from my garden (sorry, I've forgotten the name of this plant), and cadent and some other tangles. It's missing something...., but I like it better than my first one (below). Ongoing project, but since the package comes with 15 preprinted postcards, there will be more to come.


  1. What a fabulous idea! I love your postcards! You've inspired me to ask DH for one of these printers for my birthday in a couple of weeks so thank you for that.

  2. Wow! They are both lovely. I'll have to check out that printer you mentioned.

  3. A wonderful idea to use zentangle and photography together in a postcard. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Very original to combine 2 ways of art this way!
