Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Zentangle Challenge #74 - Eccentric Circles

The Zentangle Challenge (www.iamthedivaczt.blogspot.ca) for this week is to draw "eccentric" circles for our string. I decided that instead of drawing irregular circles, I would draw circles (ovals) in one direction, then draw some others in another direction. This led me to wanting to "weave' the lines. I've used two new to me tangles, Purk and Wartz. I'm not entirely happy with this, especially Bilt which didn't turn out or float the way I wanted it to; and it's rather hard to see how the circles interweave. Oh well - at least I learned two new tangles. Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to post comments - they are much appreciated. Have a good rest of the week.


ledenzer said...

I love the directional differences in your circles - they bring to mind the universe in all it's glory!

Anonymous said...

I love your opposite circles. I really like the wartz.

Shelly Beauch said...

Heavens above it's Saturn's rings.

Unknown said...

This is so cool, like a mindbender! Wow!! I love it!

Zachary said...

Beautiful! It looks very planetary, in my opinion. Remember that it's the process, not the result, that counts sometimes.

Dianne said...

This is really amazing! I looked at it for a long time - very cool!

Alice said...

has the feel of the solar system :) - (spoken like a true homeschool mom) -this is wonderful! most of all i like your purk - i have never been able to make that one work - yours looks great!

Sue Clark said...

I love this piece! Purk in the middle of the solar system...glorious!

Ritu Dua said...

Heavenly bodies !!

Karen Lynn said...

Planets in orbit at so many levels! I love it!