Thursday, May 10, 2012

Zentangle Challenge #69 - Groovy

This week's Zentangle Challenge from "I am the Diva" ( is to create a zentangle using the tangle "Groovy". When I mentioned to my husband that I was looking for inspiration for "groovy" he suggested a peace sign, thinking that the theme was groovy, not the tangle.... well, I couldn't get his suggestion out of my mind so went with the general idea. It's not what I envisioned, but hey, that's what tangling does.... I like the tangle groovy and now that I'm submitting, I'll go back and see what other glorious interpretations there are! I love doing these challenges then looking at what others have done - often thinking "why didn't I think of that?"


  1. Your husband was so right....the era of peace and grooviness! How appropriate! I think your peace sign is perfect!

  2. I think this turned out beautiful.

  3. Your peace symbol with "groovy" making up the center portion reminds me of chords woven together - three chords woven into to one. The song "bind us together" comes to mind and is so appropriate with a peace theme.
    Great tangling!

  4. This is so awesome!!! I love the center of this:)

  5. A nice take on the challenge, and I like the color scheme.

  6. A peace sign! How groovy is that? A terrific tile with lovely, subtle coloring.

  7. this is really cool, sue! i love the peace sign - so groovy!
