Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Zentangle Challenge #68 Hybrid and Strircles

This week's Zentangle Challenge is to use the two tangles Hybrid and Strircles. I've never used Hybrid before - like it a lot! Strircles is another fun one, but it's hard for me to use variations for this one. I did this small ZIA in one sitting as I've been vacationing in Scotland for the past week and was "getting behind" in my Zentangling! I missed the deadline for last week's challenge "Earth Day" because there was so much to see, so many people to visit, and little access to internet. So here is my completed ZIA for Earth Day as well. I used a map of the world for my string. All comments are welcomed!


  1. Lovely 'Earth day' representation.

  2. Your Duo Challenge has a fun feel to it and I really like your interpretation of Earth Day!

  3. Wow, and wow again. Meaning: I love both challenge pieces. To tangle a map of the world is amazing! Really fun to look at!

  4. Super map, what a fabulous idea!

  5. The first one reminds me somewhat of a whale in the outer shape which is appropriate for still thinking about your friends cruise. Clever use of the patterns in the weekly challenge. But your earth day is absolutely stupendous! so clever, just an amazing assortment of patterns. Just wonderful.

  6. Both of these are nice. The map is amazing, excellent work!
