Sunday, May 27, 2012

Zendala Dare #7

This is week 7 of Erin's Zendala Dare (, and I'm loving these mandala templates. I recently received my tin of pre-printed tiles which I also love, but it's really neat to see the many interpretations and individual characteristics come out when so many people follow the same pattern then post the results. This week I decided to do the larger size as I had a bit more time (sitting out on the patio in great weather)! Flux is a tangle I see often, and since the instructions are not posted, I did what I could with it based on my memory of what I've seen. Let me know if I'm way off base, ok? Ixorus, Archer and Lokomotive are some of my favorite tangles. I really like this mandala and may do one of the smaller versions later in the week. Thanks again Erin! And now to see what others have contributed.... (Comments are appreciated - I know it can take time, but it really encourages and helps me - thanks everyone!)


  1. A very beautiful zendala. I love how you used a combination of ixorus and flux. It creates a beautiful flower and leaf effect. Nicely done!

  2. Nice contrasts in your choices of tangles. I especially like the arches (if that is what it is.)

  3. The ixorus in the center is gorgeous! I love your tile.

  4. This is so delicate and pretty. Awesome!!

  5. A lovely Zendala - very delicate

  6. Very pretty. I like your contrast and also the delicate details. Great job!

  7. yes! this is wonderful! i clicked on the photo and it enlarged to almost full screen - such attention to detail! i love your work :)
