Monday, June 25, 2012

Zendala Dare #11

This is my contribution to Erin's weekly Zendala Dare ( This is the first time I've used C-scape, Veezley, and Eye-wa. As usually happens, the finished tile looks absolutely nothing like what I had in mind - and that's part of what makes Zentangle so much fun! Now I'll check out what others have done... Have a good rest of the week everyone!


Cathy said...

I love the border. It is really lovely.

Karen Lynn said...

It's a terrific zendala! Pieces in zentangle never look like I expect them to!

Anonymous said...

Nice zendala. I really like the outside border.

Claudia said...

Great zendala! The border is so beautiful!

Pat said...

Very nice! I agree with everyone else - I like the border too.

Erin said...

Great Zendala! I love the tangles you chose. Thanks for taking the Dare! said...

Ditto on the border; very striking! Bold and beautiful.