Wednesday, October 22, 2008

23 things - assignment 4, composition from Huge Big Labs

I've created a Librarian Trading Card (and am pleased that the pixels are a bit blurry because I don't want to be too out there); and a motivational poster.
Also, from Generator I have the following information about myself:
If I was at Hogwarts, I would be placed in Griffindor house
Some of my alternate names are:
Blues name: "Crispy" Olive Pinkerton
Christmas Elf name: Happy Angel Pants
Christmas Helper name: Cutie Bunny Elf
Country Star name: Lurleen Love
Elf Name: Luthien Anwarunya
Hobbit name: Ivy Grubb
Goth name: Loki's Slave
Rock Star name: Michelle Rose
and finally, Vampire name: Selene Beau Pre

Friday, October 17, 2008

23 things, assignment #3 RSS feeds

I've joined 4 RSS feeds: Contempoaray Retirement Coaching
Library Journal News
NYT Book Review
Weather Toronto
Useful ? - I don't know, probably not for me - too much information overload; too much stuff to weed through for what I might be interested in. Good for both work and leisure, but I don't choose to have the time either at work or at home to spend on-line. At work I'm too busy, and at home I would rather read, garden, cook, craft, socialize with family and friends.... I don't have enough time in the day to do all of that, and I don't watch any tv (don't even have one!), or read magazines or newspapers.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

23 Things Assignment #1

Ok, a bit scary, but here I go. What I would like to accomplish through this training:
1. reduce my fear of the unknowns of internet
2. increase my knowledge of and feel comfortable using internet "stuff" like blogs, wikis, etc.
3. and maybe ultimately use these formats to share ideas and thoughts